
Applied Research

T6 is specialised in research activities that push the boundaries of knowledge and transform ideas into real-world solutions. Our team of researchers combines expertise with a passion for discovery, working at the intersection of theory and practical application.

In particular, T6 focuses on scientific investigations and studies that aim to solve practical problems, answer specific questions, or address real-world issues. Whether it is developing groundbreaking technologies, optimising processes, or promoting behavioural changes, we are committed to driving meaningful advancements. We believe that research should not only expand the frontiers of knowledge but also create tangible benefits for society.

Co-design & participatory processes

We believe it is crucial to support the dialogue between research, innovation and society. To foster such a dialogue, T6 implements co-design and participatory processes where diverse stakeholders work together to share ideas, develop solutions to pressing issues and test solutions. We do so by paying special attention to inclusivity and to the ethical aspects of citizens’ engagement.

Our expert facilitation and tailored processes lead to solutions that resonate with stakeholders, are inclusive, innovative, and user-centered.

EU Proposal writing support

T6 assists institutions and businesses to create a sound project proposal by identifying the best opportunities for the development of ideas, mainly through adequate EU funding opportunities for specific research and innovation.

We transform your ideas into proposals eligible for funding by, among others, setting-up a convincing project consortium, offering support and facilitation for the proposal writing, coordinating administrative aspects, developing the project budget and helping with the submission.

We also offer grant writing workshops to provide practical guidance that will improve proposal evaluations and increase the speed at which a Consortium can develop a vision and structure for their project.

Impact assessment

While describing the impact of the research and innovation process is becoming a common request by founders and stakeholders, we know this is not an easy task. In this field, our mission is to help organisations and consortia by designing tailor made methodologies and applying them to assure the maximisation of positive impacts for your project.

T6 approach is a multi-stakeholders one and makes use of participatory process to the maximum extent possible; this means using qualitative as well as quantitative methods and assure that the results can be easily uptaken by the management team, but also used for communication and advocacy.

Policy Dialogue & Advocacy

T6 designs and develops strategies to catalyze positive change through comprehensive and forward-thinking policies. The final aim is to create a nexus between research and informed decision-making. Our team of experts collaborates to craft innovative policies and recommendations that address contemporary challenges while laying the groundwork for a sustainable and equitable future. Rooted in meticulous research, our work is evidence-based and data-driven. We strongly believe in the power of informed decision-making to shape policies that resonate with the needs of our society.

For this reason, we foster collaboration between policymakers, industry experts, and the public. By bringing diverse perspectives together, we ensure that our recommendations or policy proposals are comprehensive, inclusive, and reflective of the collective wisdom of our society.

Project Management

T6 offers Project Management as a service for project consortia, providing unique and flexible solutions, adaptable to a variety of contexts and putting the collaboration between partners and team relations in the centre. This approach has been successfully applied in a high number of European Research and Innovation projects, leading to a team-based implementation of activities.

We are focusing not only on results, but also on inter-individual and intercultural human processes, for which T6 provides facilitation and conflict management, without losing sight of reaching project objectives.
Moreover, T6 also provides Programme Management services, assuring the application of knowledge, skills, tools and techniques to meet the requirements of multiple work-streams or a portfolio of projects, which need to meet or exceed business goals.

Science Communication & Public Outreach

Running projects that bring together scientists, policy-makers and business, we need to promote a deep understanding of a mix of activities and results on different topics, translating complex concepts into accessible and engaging content.

We bridge the gap between scientists and the target audiences as well as the general public by developing and implementing communication and dissemination strategies that identify the best online and offline tools, including branding development, innovative actions (e.g. infographics, videos, podcasts, etc.) and establishing collaboration with other initiatives and networks to promote scientific literacy and encourage dialogue to address global challenges.

Sustainability Strategies

T6 sets up and implements sustainability and exploitation strategies for boosting the mid-and long-term impact of outcomes and outputs of Research and Innovation actions.
These strategies are developed in co-creation with all involved partners, identifying key exploitable results, potential fields for exploitation beyond the end of the project and opportunities emerging for the wide range of outputs and how these can be further
developed to promote the implementation.

This covers (1) follow-up and informing research and use of project research findings in teaching and training; (2) commercialisation, including business models and consultancy service portfolios; (3) influencing policy; as well as (4) standardisation.


Citizen Science

Support practitioners in assessing the impact of their projects, making their engagement processes more effective and inclusive and foster dialogue with policy makers.

Climate Neutral & Resilient Society

Support transition processes with strategic design of policies and actions towards mitigation, adaptation, and sustainability.

Creative and Cultural Industries

Foster innovation in Creative and Cultural Industries (CCI) for driving European economic development towards a more sustainable and equitable future.


Tackle disinformation developing ad hoc strategies to increase critical thinking and providinge support to policy development.

Participatory Process

Study and develop methods that engage stakeholders and communities, fostering democratic and inclusive outcomes.

Social Innovation

Promote new collaborations and solutions to tackle societal challenges and improve sustainability, social justice and well-being.

Tech for good

Help developers and innovators in creating, testing and evaluating technologies that have a positive social and environmental impact.

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