Ongoing projects


The Participatory Art for Society Engagement with Ocean and Water (PartArt4OW) is a Coordination and Support Action focusing on participatory art and creative processes as a tool for developing a deeper engagement of people with the issue of ocean and water. This 30-month project (Sept. 2024-Febr. 2027) contributes to the EU Mission Ocean; it mobilises artists, citizens, scientists and other stakeholders in realising 19 Participatory Art Initiatives (PAIs). PAIs will receive financial support, training and mentoring by participating in an Acceleration process.

The T6 team is responsible for developing and managing the three open Open Calls that will identify the PAIs and will support all project activities from ecosystem building to project dissemination. In addition, T6 is tasked with the impact assessment of the PAIs and of the project as a whole.


S+T+ARTS EC(H)O (Fostering ECOlogically conscious and Human compatible digital technology) is the most recent iteration of the S+T+ARTS initiative. The 3-year project (Jan. 2024 – Dec. 2026), coordinated by Ars Electronica, will bring together different elements of the S+T+ARTS projects, while strengthening the aims of the S+T+ARTS initiative as a whole. The main objective of STARTS EC(H)O is to expand on the triple transformation (green, social, digital) of Europe and by building on the consortium’s extensive expertise, to support the development of artistic-led approaches that target innovation areas in a purpose-driven way by means of technology. Three critical components of the STARTS EC(H)O are: STARTS Prize, STARTS Residencies and the annual AIxMusic program at Sónar.

T6 is tasked with the collection of the residency methodologies, their assessment and the reporting of their impact, in addition to providing recommendations on how to evolve such residencies. In addition, T6 will be organising 3 dissemination events, targeting diverse audiences, in order to present the S+T+ARTS projects and to maximise their impact. 


PACESETTERS is a research project that brings together 15 partners to undertake collaborative, artistic and practice-based research to deepen and update the understanding of the role that Creative Industries can place in fostering a just climate transition. Through a series of co-researched creative case studies, it will test innovative ideas to set the pace of the transition. 

Recognising that innovation tends to happen where it’s least expected, PACESETTERS will explore different ways of articulating and mobilising the multiple benefits of artistic and creative entrepreneurship at the micro level, in ways that are responsive to the challenges of European society.

T6 will lead the co-creation of an evaluation and support framework that will  explore the  contributions of CCIs to the transition and to help them adapt to the climate transition.


CASRI – Collaborative Action for Sustainability Research and Innovation – is a Horizon Europe Coordination and Support Action (CSA) that brings together 17 renowned partners (the majority of which are Environment Protection Agencies) from 13 countries, along with the European Environment Agency (EEA). The project aims to coordinate and enhance research and innovation programmes for sustainability at both the multilateral and European level in a way that it complements existing programmes by the EU and member states. It started in January 2024 and will run for 32 months.

Through a demand-driven methodology, CASRI aims at identifying and coordinating Environmental and Sustainability Research and Innovation needs, and facilitating and converging the application of results.

T6 is responsible for the communication, dissemination and the strategic planning of the exploitation and is coordinating the co-design activities. Moreover, T6 is supporting the coordinator in project and management issues.


SDGs-EYES is a European project funded by Horizon Europe. It started in January 2023 and will run for 3 years.

The projec will establish an integrated scientific, technological and user engagement framework for boosting the European capacity for monitoring the SDGs based on Copernicus, building a portfolio of decision-making tools to monitor those SDG indicators related to the environment from an inter-sectoral perspective, aligning with the EU Green Deal priorities and challenges. It considers three interconnected SDGs, on climate (SDG13), ocean (SDG14) and land (SDG15), to demonstrate through four Pilots the Copernicus potential for monitoring six indicators making part of the EU and national assessments: GHG emissions, temperature deviation, ocean acidification, marine eutrophication, forest cover change and soil erosion.

T6 is responsible for the policy engagement and the communication and dissemination.


CircEUlar is a European project funded by Horizon Europe. It started in September 2022 and will run for 4 years.

The aim of the CircEUlar project is to understand the dynamics and levers for societal transformation towards a net-zero emission circular economy. CircEUlar will develop new modelling approaches for analysing circularity from a systems perspective accounting for:

  1. dematerialisation and the transition to a service-based economy to limit material stock growth;
  2. lifetime extension of material stocks through repair, maintenance, reuse;
  3. waste treatment and material recycling.

T6 is responsible for the stakeholder and policy engagement as well as for the communication and dissemination.


IMPETUS is a European project funded by Horizon Europe. It started in July 2022 and will run for 4 years.

IMPETUS can be considered the scaling-up of our previous project ACTION. It  supports and gives recognition to citizen science (CS) in Europe by enabling more diverse citizen science initiatives (CSIs) to access funding; bringing CS closer to society and policy makers; acknowledging CS’s role in tackling the greatest challenges of our times; and enabling CS initiatives to contribute to Green Deal (GD) and UN SDG commitments.

This will be achieved by funding 125 new and on-going CS projects via dedicated open calls, supporting them through an acceleration and mentoring program and by launching the EU Prize for Citizen Science.

T6 is responsible for the impact assessment and exploitation activities. Our team will further refine the impact assessment methodology successful developed and tested in ACTION and will assess the impacts of the supported CS projects. We will especially consider their impact on Green Deal objectives and SDG targets.


LOCALISED is a European-funded research project, funded by the Green Deal Call of Horizon 2020, that started its work in October 2021 and will run for 4 years.

LOCALISED aims to make an important contribution to making information on decarbonisation pathways more accessible at NUTS-3 level. To achieve this goal, the project team  develops science-based tools that go the “last mile” to bringing decarbonisation knowledge to end users: Climate Action Strategiser, Net-Zero Business Consultant, Citizen Engager.
These tools will be the first ones existing in Europe to enable local authorities, policy makers and their citizens as well as businesses to identify viable combinations and best practices of (sectoral) mitigation and adaptation measures and how to implement them for NUTS-3 regions in Europe. 

T6 is coordinating  the communication, dissemination and exploitation actvities as well as the impact assessment. In addition it is part of the project management team, supporting the coordinator in project and financial management issues.

LATIF - Leveraging argument technology for impartial fact-checking


LATIF – Leveraging Argument Technology for Impartial Fact-checking is a project funded under the European Media and Information Fund aiming to revolutionize fact-checking by developing advanced digital tools based on the Analysis of Competing Hypotheses (ACH) methodology. Through a blend of qualitative and quantitative research, these tools enhance impartiality and decision-making, ensuring more reliable fact-checks.

T6 will run the policy dialogue by producing two policy briefs for European policy makers.


IDMO (Italian Digital Media Observatory)

IDMO, the Italian Digital Media Observatory, is a European project funded by the H2020 Framework Programme. IDMO is one of the 8 selected hubs (representing 14 EU countries) that will help to implement the activities promoted by the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO) in the fight against disinformation and fake news at European level.

The initiative aims to counter the phenomenon of fake news through a strategy based on monitoring the flow of information and the use of tools based on artificial intelligence to identify the target audiences most subject to such disinformation, identify the mechanisms that lead to sharing. and those functional to prevent and counteract their potential impact.

T6 Ecosystems defines a methodology to assess the impacts of disinformation on people and coordinates the policy dialogue to foster the debate on disinformation with Italian policy makers.


Recently finished projects

S+T+ARTS Prize

S+T+ARTS is an initiative of the European Commission (funded from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme) to foster alliances of science, technology and the arts, that effectively implement a European approach to technological innovation centered on human needs and values. The platform aggregates all the pillars and aims at gathering the whole S+T+ARTS Ecosystem, offering specific services and functionalities to develop, strengthen and enlarge the community.

S+T+ARTS Prize initiative focuses on the most forward looking collaborations at the crossings of art, science, media, technology, industry and society. It showcases achievements, encourages further collaborations and honors the inspiring individuals and teams behind these achievements.

After the successful experience and achievements gained in 2016-2020, the S+T+ARTS Prize 2021-2023 will continue its activities.

T6 Ecosystems, with the extensive experience in impact assessment and policy recommendations connected to the media sector, ensures that the potential of S+T+ARTS Prize will be explored and will disseminate the results of the project to specialized agents within the European Commission and relevant players in relevant S+T+ARTS fields.

ACTION – Participatory science toolkit against pollution

The ACTION (Participatory science toolkit against pollution) project was co-funded by the European Commission under the Horizon 2020 framework, SwafS programme. It started on 1st February 2019 and ended on 31 January 2022. Have a look at all project results.

ACTION co-designed methodologies, tools and guidelines to open the scientific process to new groups and communities and offered them a digital infrastructure supporting the easily set up and management of Citizens Science (CS) projects through, among others, two open calls to select additional citizen science pilots, a citizen science accelerator for the selected pilots, the development of a sociotechnical toolkit as well as partnering with researchers, policy makers, community groups, open data and open science activists, social enterprises and third-sector organisations to establish a multi-stakeholder ecosystem for responsible citizen science.

T6 coordinated the work on reflexivity, impact assessment and policy road mapping and was  responsible for the communication activites of the project. – Experience the benefit of climate services

T6 has been a partner of the Innovation Action Climate-fit.City ( has received funding from the European Union’s H2020 Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement No. 73004. It started in June 2017 and has finished in February 2020.

The goal of the project was to demonstrate, replicate, and further upscale a modular and sustainable pan-European urban climate service to quantify the impacts of climate (change) on a range of urban sectors and to propose relevant solutions to customers.

T6 was in charge of  the socio-economic impact assessment, mapping and quantifying as much as possible the benefits of employing scientific urban climate information for local decision making through the serviced developed in the project.


EUCalc – trade-offs and pathways towards sustainable and low-carbon European Societies

T6 was a partner of the Horizon 2020 project EU Calculator: Trade-offs and pathways towards sustainable and low-carbon European Societies (EUCalc). The EUCalc project delineated emission and sustainable transformation pathways on the European and member state scale.

The project  developed the EUCalc model with its interface, the Transition Pathways Explorer, a novel and fast transparent open source model combined with a Transition Pathways Explorer and a learning tools designed at a level of complexity that is adequate for European and national policy makers, businesses, NGOs and other actors of society.

EUCalc ended in February 2020.

T6 was in charge of the communication and dissemination work package and is supporting the coordinator in management activities.


iSCAPE – Improving the air quality and reducing the carbon footprint of European cities

T6 has been a partner of the three years Horizon 2020 project iSCAPE– Improving the Smart Control of Air Pollution in Europe under grant agreement No 689954. The project finished in November 2019. To advance knowledge in the field of air quality, iSCAPE brought together an interdisciplinary team of experienced researchers, public authorities, business professionals, committed NGOs, members of regulatory authorities, communities in Living Lab cities and their citizens. The project developed an integrated strategy for air pollution control in European cities that is grounded on evidence-based analysis. The project aimed to reduce urban air pollution and the negative impacts of climate change by leveraging sustainable passive control systems, behavioural change initiatives and the Living Lab approach. As most of the physical passive structures are components in the built environment, implementing or relocating these structures, which iSCAPE examined in the different European cities, provides a potentially low-cost option compared to other methods.

To achieve iSCAPE’s objectives, Living Labs in six European cities were established (Bologna, Bottrop, Dublin, Hasselt, Guildford, and Vantaa) with the aim to connect a great variety of stakeholders, facilitate collaboration and sharing of multidisciplinary knowledge and experience to advance air pollution remediation strategies and solutions. This included the engagement of citizens that is fundamental in Living Lab activities to create value and increase public awareness of air pollution control.

T6 developed and implemented the socio-economic impact assessment of the citizen engagement activities which are presented in the following reports:

T6 was also in charge of the coordination of the communication and dissemination activities and developed the Dissemination Strategy. It also implemented the co-design process for the iSCAPE Virtual Living Lab, together with the Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia.

SOMA – Social Observatory for Disinformation and Social Media Analysis

The SOMA project was co-funded by the European Commission under the Horizon 2020 framework. Its activities ended in April 2021.

The SOMA (Social Observatory for Disinformation and Social Media Analysis) project created the European Observatory for Disinformation with the aim to provide a springboard for the social media sector to steer an understanding of its dynamics and the relationship between social media and other sectors.  SOMA led to the creation of a solid environment to increase awareness among stakeholders on social media topics and develop tools and instruments for the social media community.

T6 was engaged in the project in order to develop a methodology for the socio- economic impact assessment of disinformation and to create a Source Transparency Index to immediately verify sources.

In case you are interested in resuls, contact us.

TASCMAR – Tools And Strategies to access original bioactive compounds by Cultivating MARine invertebrates and associated symbionts

TASCMAR was a collaborative research project funded under the EU Horizon 2020 programme. The project developed new tools and strategies to overcome existing bottlenecks in the discovery and application of marine-derived biomolecules, with a focus on the theme of anti-ageing. T6 was in charge of the evaluation of potential socio-economic and environmental impacts of TASCMAR research activities and outputs, with the aim to offer accurate guidance scheme for the Consortium for the maximization of sustainable impacts.

TASCMAR ended in September 2019.

Previous projects

CHIC – Coordinating high impact for CAPS

ChiC was a Coordination and Support Action, amplifying and coordinating CAPS-driven efforts in a broad perspective, contributing to shaping and refining how digital, sustainable and social innovation can penetrate our society. It was running from June 2016 until November 2018.

T6 contributed to the project analyzying the good practices of the CAPSSI Community and taking care of the stakeholders engagement. Within these tasks, T6 organised two editions of the Digital Social Innovation Fair (in 2017 and 2018 in Rome).

Specifically, ChiC:

  • built a strong community of active players by providing CAPS stakeholders with effective tools supporting coordination of efforts, communication and dissemination, knowledge transfer, collaborative learning, best practices identification and promotion of outcomes for broad impact in the society;
  • connected CAPS players among them and with related initiatives growing in Europe and elsewhere through active participation and direct involvement of key players all across the community;
  • impacted the society and allow for digital social transformation to effectively change citizens’ lives through coordinated CAPS efforts rooted in a number of actions and events that are involving students, hackers, grassroots initiatives, policy makers and all digital social innovators.


SecInCoRe – Secure Dynamic: Cloud for information, Communication and Resource Interoperability based on Pan-European Disaster Inventory

T6 was a partner in the European research project SecInCoRe – Secure Dynamic Cloud for Information, Communication and Resource Interoperability based on Pan-European Disaster Inventory- co-financed by the European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme. The project started in 2013 and ended in April 2017. It identified data sets, processes, information systems and business models used by first responders and Police authorities leading to a dynamic and secure cloud based ‘common information space’. T6 was in charge of the validation and evaluation of the project as well as of the identification of possible business models for emergency response.


RAMSES – Science for cities in transition

RAMSES was a European research project which delivered the much needed quantification of the impact of climate change on cities and criteria to prioritise adaptation options. Through understanding city characteristics and climate change impacts on the urban scale, the project assessed risks and vulnerabilities and the costs and benefits of respective adaptation measures. RAMSES invited stakeholders to inform this research and to contribute context-specific knowledge to ensure the policy relevance of the results. This enabled the project to provide tools for defining an optimal transition pathway towards successful and efficient climate change adaptation and thereby towards healthy, attractive and functional urban environments.  Case study cities were London, Rio de Janeiro, Antwerp, Bogotá, New York, Bilbao, Hyderabad and Skopje.


I3 – Impact Innovate Invest

T6 was partner of the European support action I3 – Impact Innovation Invest- co-financed by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Program. The project started in January 2016 and ended in Septemer 2018. It provided research projects under the call ICT 19-2015 of an integrated approach from research to market deployment. I3 identified emerging, promising solutions in the European Convergence and Social Media research sector providing a self-assessment methodology. Then, the support action helped their makers to evaluate technology and business potential. The i3 ecosystem helped to connect and foster synergies with the market. T6 as leader of two work packages was engaged in the creation of an ecosystem for investors attraction and  drived the policy dialogue.


TESS – Towards European Societal Sustainability

TESS developed a methodology to measure the impact of community-based initiatives in terms of carbon reduction potential and economic effect as well as the impact of institutional structures (values, policies and mechanisms) ( T6 contributed to the development of the methodology, especially in regard to online community-based initiatives, and was leading the work package on dissemination and communication.

T6 was in charge of the communication and dissemination work package and supported the coordinator in management activities.

IA4SI – Impact Assessment for Social Innovation

T6 was a partner and scientific coordinator of the European support action IA4SI – Impact assessment for Social Innovation – co-financed by the European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme. The project started in October 2013 and ended in May 2016. The IA4SI project developed a structured methodology able to evaluate the potential socio-political, economic and environmental impacts of collective awareness platforms for sustainability and social innovation and to map key characteristics able to determine a wider uptake of the social innovation initiatives at social level. IA4SI supported and offered opportunities for knowledge exchange and synergies development to projects in the field.


MAXICULTURE: MAXimising the Impact of CULTUral REsearch projects

T6 was a partner in the European Support Action MAXICULTURE (MAXimising the Impact of CULTUral REsearch projects), receiving funding from the European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme. MAXICULTURE aimed at maximising the impact of EC funded ICT projects in the cultural domain through the adaptation, testing and transfer of a socio-economic assessment methodology. The MAXICULTURE idea emerged from the consideration that there is a growing need to verify how public investment in Research and Development can guarantee effective and efficient innovation in the cultural and creative sector.


MARKOS – The MARKet for Open Source, an intelligent virtual open source marketplace

The MARKOS Project created a prototype of an interactive application and a Linked Data API providing an integrated view and semantic query features on the OSS projects available on the web, focusing on functional, structural and licenses aspects of software code. The MARKOS system is an Open Source Software, which, thanks to the offered functionalities, is expected to facilitate software development based on the Open Source paradigm in a global context. T6 supported MARKOS in the understanding of the impacts of the project outcomes on the FLOSS community and market development of software industry. Moreover, T6 was responsible for Dissemination and Exploitation activities of the project.

MIDAS – Model and Inference Driven, Automated testing of Services architectures

The MIDAS project was funded within FP7 – ICT-2011.1.2 – 1.2 Cloud Computing, Internet of Services and Advanced Software Engineering. The project implemented an integrated framework for the automation and intelligent management of SOA testing. The framework was available as a Platform as a Service (PaaS) on a cloud infrastructure that supported all the testing activities – test generation, execution, result analysis, planning and scheduling – on the main testing domains such as functional, interactional, fault tolerance, security and usage-based testing. Two pilot SOA testing experiences in different business domains (healthcare and supply chain management) were carried out. T6 participated in the project as responsible of activities on the evaluation of the socio economic impacts of MIDAS, the definition of potential market and business model scenarios and, as such, of project results exploitation.

POR regionale

Il progetto ha realizzato strumenti per l’integrazione e la condivisione del patrimonio informativo di differenti amministrazioni pubbliche ed enti autonomi di pubblico interesse. In termini tecnologici il progetto ha sviluppato un middleware in grado di rispondere a diverse esigenze specifiche e in grado di offrire un efficiente data mining. Al middleware si è poi associato uno strumento di supporto alle decisioni (un software Decision Support System) che permette di pianificare gli interventi sul territorio per definirne e valutarne l’impatto e le priorità sotto l’aspetto culturale, sociale, economico, ambientale.

EFFORT – Governance behaviour, policies and legal requirements for facilitating access to market by dynamic clustering of SMEs

EFFORT was a project funded by the 6th EU Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development, Area: IST Information Society Technology). The EFFORT project focused on understanding the mechanisms and critical determining factors by which business clusters can gain increased competitiveness in the global marketplace. In particular, areas of policy, legal aspects and regulation, technologies and governance were identified and analysed, as well as emerging priorities for policy and research at the EC, national and regional level, in order to facilitate extended and dynamic clustering. T6 supported the definition of business governing models for SMEs and the identification of political recommendations as described in the “White Paper” and covered part of the dissemination activities as well as project management.

DEN4DEK – Digital Ecosystems Network of regions for DissEmination and Knowledge deployment

DEN4DEK was a Thematic Network, financed by the Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme ICT Policy Support Programme of the European Commission. Digital Ecosystems are emerging as a novel approach for the catalysis of sustainable regional development driven by SMEs. The aim of the DEN4DEK thematic network was to share experience and disseminate all the necessary knowledge that allow regions to plan an effective deployment of the Digital Ecosystems (DE) at all levels (economic, social, technical and political) in order to produce real impacts in the economic activities of European regions through the improvement of SMEs business environments. The main claim that DEN4DEK made was that in order to ensure the wider uptake and best use of ICT in businesses through the digital ecosystems (DE) approach it would be necessary that the regions that had already a thorough knowledge and experience in the deployment of the DE work closely with the regions that were starting to integrate this concept into their innovation strategies. Along the knowledge-sharing strategy, partners were supported by regions which had already introduced the DE approach at the local level. It followed that DEN4DEK was the first step in a self-reinforcing community building process that has culminated at the end of the project with a community of knowledge, inclusive of all regional stakeholders, which will be able to build regional partnerships and business ecosystems fostering regional innovation. The project integrated the available research outputs from the DBE Integrated Project, and adapted and clarified the potential knowledge gaps with the rest of the regions and users. T6 role in the project was, on one hand, the transfer of acquired knowledge in the filed of Digital Ecosystems, on the other hand, to support the Lazio Region in the application of its own local plan for development in the field.

SEQUOIA – Socio-economic Impact Assessment for Research Projects

SEQUOIA was a Specific Support Action funded by the 7th Research Framework Programme of the European Commission, Area:. DG INFSO – Programme: Software & Service Architectures and Infrastructures. SEQUOIA developed a methodology for the socio-economic impact self-assessment of research projects in the IoS and SaaS domain. The methodology was developed through the concrete involvement of a group of projects that participated in focus groups and meetings aiming at mapping the analysed sector’s specificities and the requirements in terms of impact assessment. SEQUOIA applied the methodology on app. 25 projects. On the basis of the results best practices were selected which were supported in the dissemination and transfer of their research results. The methodology was synthesized and systematized in a How-to-Guide that future projects would be able to use autonomously. T6 participated in the development of the methodology, in particular regarding the social impacts aspects: knowledge creation and diffusion, social capital, employment and working processes and fulfillment of the Social Agenda 2020 objectives. T6 was also involved in the support activities for the effective assessment of app. 25 projects in the SaaS and IoS area.

NISO – Fighting homophobia through active citizenship and media education

NISO was a project co-funded by the European Programme Fundamental Rights and Citizenships (DG Justice). The NISO project promotes a wider knowledge and understanding of human rights among young people, in particular in terms of non discrimination rights of sexual orientation. NISO involed 240 high school students (60 in each involved country) in a research-action process based on participative learning methods. The project was coordinated by the Province of Rome. Other partners were: T6, GayCenter (Italy), GALE (Netherlands), Cavaria (Belgium) and Seku (Estonia), all associations active in the promotion of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transsexual (LGBT) persons’ rights. The project was centered on a game called “Voice Out”: in each participating school students were asked to organize two “parties” with the objective of developing concrete anti-discrimination policies. Each school was involved in a guided simulation of a political campaign from its launch to the elections. A team of psychologists, educators and media educators supportes the students, offering them the necessary tools and competences to orientate themselves within this important topic. Those students deciding to found the parties became trainers of their schoolmates on non-discrimination and equal opportunity issues. Within the political campaigns the “parties” developed spots and multimedia material aiming at spreading their proposals and their vision in regard to anti-discrimination policies. T6 was responsible for the research activities that aimed at identifying the most common stereotypes and prejudices among young people in the participating countries. T6 developed a questionnaire that has been distributed to 500 students and 250 persons belonging to the LGBT community in each partner country. Beside this, T6 coordinated the background analysis on the rights and social inclusion of LGBT persons at European level. It is also actively involved in the training activities of the Roman schools and in the development of the didactical tools of Voice Out!

ERINA+ – Socio Economic Impact Assessment for e-Infrastructures Research Projects

ERINA+ project developed a methodology to asses the social, economic and political impacts of the e-Infrastructures and of the projects that have been funded by the homonymous programme. The developed methodology involved the stakeholders of the sector: developers of research digital infrastructure and their users, the European research agencies and other funding organisations. T6 participated in the development of the methodology, especially regarding the aspects linked to social impacts. In particular, T6 was responsible of the impact assessment of e-Infrastructures in reaching the objectives of the ERA (European Research Area) programme. To carry out this task, T6 experts used the Social Network Analysis that enabled them to understand the extension, geographical distribution and relational flows among the major actors of the area.

OPAALS – Open Philosophies for Associative Autopoietic Digital Ecosystems

The OPAALS project aimed at building an interdisciplinary research community in the field of Digital Ecosystems (DE), based on the integration of the natural, socio economic and computer sciences.
The OPAALS project lasted 4 years involving 19 partners in and extra EU, resulting in relevant achievements in the field of Digital Ecosystems.

T6 supported the project Coordinator (the London School of Economics) in the Project Management activities, expressing the Project Manager and the Operational Manager.

Moreover, T6 enriched the socio-economic research coordinating a work package aimed at connecting the theoretical research with the exigencies of territorial development. This brought to the development of several case studies, the definition of innovative tools for the study of the socio-economic impact of DE, including a Toolkit to facilitate the development of DE at local level.
Relations between Digital Ecosystems and Community Networks, governance models to foster the technological development at local level, the systematic approach for the development of DE are the others themes contributed by T6.
T6 participated to the Interdisciplinary Coordination Team, aimed at fostering an effective communication flow between the researchers working in different fields. In this framework, T6 contributed to project Dissemination activities, such as the Community Building, Networking and experience exchanges. 

IMRA – Integrative flood risk governance approach for improvement of risk awareness and increased public participation

IMRA was a research project in the framework of the 2nd ERA-Net CRUE Research Funding Initiative. It was financed by the Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF, D), the Bundesministerium für Land- und Forstwirtschaft, Umwelt und Wasserwirtschaft (BMLFUW, A) and the Istituto Superiore per la Protezione e la Ricerca Ambientale (ISPRA, I).

The overarching goal of the IMRA project was to influence and change risk perception and real decision-making by actively involving stakeholders and the public in three case study areas of three different river basin districts in Europe. The whole process of assessing and managing flood risk has been reorganised following the risk governance concept for participatory flood risk management, developed during the IMRA project. The main outcome is a the IMRA handbook “Planning and implementing communication and public participation processes in flood risk management – Procedural guidelines and toolbox of methods, published in English, German and Italian. T6 was actively involved in the research, development and evaluation of the IMRA concept as well as in the organisation and implementation of the Italian case study in the Chiascio river basin. In addition it co-ordinated the dissemination activities and, in particular, the writing of the IMRA handbook “Planning and implementing communication and participation processes in flood risk management”. The handbook offers procedural guidelines in a step-by-step approach and a toolbox of methods for institutions which are involved in the implementation of flood risk management plans and measures. It can be downloaded at the project website.

Parole Chiave: Project Management, Disseminazione, protezione civile, pianificazione territoriale, rischio ambientale


INCA – Linking civil protection and planning by agreement on objectives

The INCA project was co-financed by the Civil Protection Financial Instrument of the European Community.

The INCA project aimed at bridging spatial, functional and operational gaps and divergence in approach, competence and perspective between civil protection, spatial planning and other administrations in charge of prevention by a collaborative process with concrete results to make measures and actions of risk prevention and mitigation efficient, effective, strategically aligned and sustainable. For that purpose the concept of “Agreements on Objectives” on risk prevention and damage mitigation was developed. T6 supported CNR in the co-ordination and management of the whole project. In addition it was involved in the development, test implementation and evaluation of the INCA concept and co-ordinated the Lazio Region case study. T6 was additionally in charge of various dissemination activities (project branding and website in four languages).

ENSURE – Enhancing resilience of communities and territories facing natural and na-tech hazards

A Specific Targeted Research Project funded by the European Union as a part of the 7th Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development.

The overall objective of ENSURE was to develop a new methodological framework for Integrated Multi-Scale Vulnerability Assessment. The framework is based on a comprehensive, integrated and inter-disciplinary understanding of how mitigation strategies can be improved in the future. The framework will contribute to the reduction of human losses, economic damage and social disruption due to extreme events striking communities exposed to a variety of natural hazards, as well as to the potential consequences of Climate Change. T6 was actively involved in the research on understanding of the articulated nature of the concept of physical, social and systemic vulnerability, the integration and connection of different types of vulnerability, the temporal and spatial variability of the relations between different types of vulnerability and contributed to the Integrated Multi-Scale Vulnerability Approach and its test application at the Italian island of Vulcano. In addition T6 was in charge of project management, dissemination activities (branding, information material and final booklet and CD ROM) as well as the evaluation of the socio-economic impact of research activities. 

ARMONIA – Applied multi Risk Mapping of Natural Hazards for Impact Assessment

The ARMONIA (Applied multi Risk Mapping of Natural Hazards for Impact Assessment) was a research project funded by the European Community under the Sixth EU Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development. A new approach to producing integrated multi- risk maps to achieve more effective spatial planning procedures in areas prone to natural disasters in Europe was developed. 12 partners, among them universities, research centres, public bodies and SMEs participated in the project. Main outputs of the project are:

  • D.1.1: Report on the European scenario of technological and scientific standards reached in spatial planning versus natural risk management
  • D.1.2: Report on results of the Scientific Colloquium on spatial planning versus natural risk management
  • D.1.3: Report on the definition of possible common procedures and methodologies of spatial planning for natural hazards, to inform the development of a new spatial planning standard for the EU
  • D.2.1: Report on current availability and methodology for natural risk map production
  • D.3.1: ARMONIA methodology for multi-risk assessment and the harmonisation of different natural risk map
  • D.3.2: Integrated natural risk legend and standard for harmonised risk maps for land use planning and management
  • D.4.1: Report: Technical Glossary of a Multi Hazard Related Vulnerability and Risk Assessment Language – Final version
  • D.5.1: Harmonised hazard, vulnerability and risk assessment methods informing
    mitigation strategies addressing land-use planning and management
  • D.5.2: Report: Functional and technical architectural design of a decision support system for risk informed spatial planning

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