As part of project CircEUlar, we, alongside our partners, University of Groningen and The Rudolph Agricola School for Sustainable Development,  are delighted to announce an opportunity to hear about our latest research insights and contribute to shaping the next phases of work. To offer a more holistic overview of the research in this field we have also partnered with project CIRCOMOD.

On Tuesday, September 17th, after lunch, from 13:00 at the House of Connections in Groningen, The Netherlands, we are organising a stakeholder workshop to share research insights from both a consumer and business perspective. 

During the event we will explore what circularity means for mobility, living practices, household appliances, waste management, and business behaviours. Stakeholders from across industry, local government, and civil society, will inform the research scope and contribute to the development of the CircEUlar toolkit, which is designed for businesses to support further uptake of circular practices. 

Going forward, the stakeholder community will be further developed as a forum to present, discuss, and strengthen project outputs in an endeavour to co-create a shared vision for a European net-zero Circular Economy.

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