Luiss Data Lab and T6 Ecosystems, partners of the European Observatory on social media and disinformation EU project and founding members of the Centre of Excellence Aletheia against disinformation are inviting you to the upcoming  online workshop “Truth is the first vaccination! Workshop of e-literacy against disinformation about Covid-19 in Europe” on May 21st, 2020 from 10:00 AM (CET) to 13:00 PM.

The workshop will focus on the different impacts that Covid-19 related disinformation is having on our economy, society and politics.

Gianni Riotta, Director of Luiss Data Lab, will moderate the discussion with representatives of the European Commission and from the Italian government.

Keynotes will be delivered by Walter Ricciardi, Alessandro Vespignani and Carlo Cottarelli.

Research findings will be presented and discussed by T6 Ecosystems and Luiss Data Lab’s researchers.

The full programme is available here.

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