T6 partners Simona de Rosa and Andrea Nicolai will talk at a roundtable during the first workshop of the TOFFEE (TOol for Fighting FakEs) project, taking place on 24 and 25 October 2019 in Lucca, Italy. The TOFFEE project is an internal project of the IMT School For Advanced Studies. It aims at reducing false and fake information in social media platforms. More information on the project can be found here.

Due to the different aspects considered by TOFEE and above all in relation to the research performed on the impact of disinformation, TOFEE invited T6 Ecosystems to report about the work undergoing inthe SOMA project in relation to the establishment of a methodology to map the impact of disinformation, combining different methods and techniques. Simona De Rosa and Andrea Nicolai will talk about the scientific approach and first findings of ongoing research on disinformation.

More information is available here.

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